Real Shofar, As low as $19.95 in BULK! Size about 8". A Shofar is a ram’s horn that is blown like a trumpet during Rosh HaShanahh services, every day except Shabbat during the preceding month of Elul, and at the end of Yom Kippur. The four sounds of the shofar–tekiah, shevarim, teruah, and tekiah gedolah–remind many people of a crying voice. Hearing the shofar’s call is a reminder for us to look inward and repent for the sins of the past year. The shofar is created by hollowing out a ram’s horn, shaping it, and polishing it. It’s a tricky (and occasionally smelly) feat that doesn’t always end up the way you think it will. But it’s a rewarding task, nonetheless. (Credit: My Jewish Learning).
PLEASE NOTE: Children will not be able to blow this Shofar! These Shofars are hard to blow even by an adult, and are more of an inexpensive visual item.